Frédéric Darblade du restaurant « Les six saisons »


Frédéric Darblade of the restaurant "The six seasons"

Today we are going to talk about Frédéric Darblade, child of Bidart and restaurateur for more than 30 years in the center of the village. After 3 decades in the restaurant business, many are those who need a change and decide to hang up the apron… Frédéric preferred to do things differently, he chose to keep […]

Gilles & Paul Bika du Bask Rugby Sevens


Gilles & Paul Bika of Bask Rugby Sevens

Today the guests of our podcast are as accomplices on the field as off the field, they have chosen the Uhabia stadium to organize a 100% hand-stitched event where nothing is left to chance: Bask Rugby Sevens (aka the BR7). This weekend, the Bidart stadium will welcome nearly 400 players […]

Jérémy Pages, capitaine du Baltxan


Jérémy Pages, captain of the Baltxan

Jérémy is a child of the village, a fishing lover and a great enthusiast. Jérémy lives at 3000 percent: when he's not in a firefighter's uniform, he goes out to sea aboard the Baltxan, he shares his passion for fishing and he also happens to work with young people to […]

Geoffrey de Joyu Surf Shack


Geoffrey from Joyu Surf Shack

There are places where you naturally feel good, there are people who are fundamentally pleasant and nice, and when these parameters are brought together, it necessarily creates a place of life where you want to be. welcomed. Add to that Geoffrey's energy, Jutta's delicious cooking, their passions […]

Julie Durand Ribeiro de Bidart Optik


Julie Durand Ribeiro from Bidart Optik

Julie is a woman who crunches life and invests herself daily in her professional life and in her family life. Julie is a woman who crunches life and invests herself daily in her professional life and in her family life. We know her first because she is a health professional […]

Sophie Garcia du Fournil de la Licorne


Sophie Garcia from the Unicorn Bakery

In Bidart, in the Plateau district, La Licorne watches like a lookout, it has become a landmark or rather a haunt for some... But for the past few decades it has shared the spotlight with another establishment whose delicacies and stalls make your mouth water. more than one: the Unicorn Bakery 🥖🦄. So we have […]

Laurent Garcia de la Kostakoak


Laurent Garcia of the Kostakoak

In Bidart the pelota slams on the walls of the pediments, in the trinquet or at the Kirolak all year round. The local club Kostakoak trains the little bidartars to make them become the champions of tomorrow. And if there are many highlights of pelota in Bidart, the one that happens in the […]

Maitena Exposito de Goiz Argi


Maitena Exposito de Goiz Argi

Maitena is a child from the village passionate about Basque dance, pelota, rugby, in short the passions of life here... She tells us about her investment around the dance group, transmission to young people, projects & the involvement of the Goiz Argi association in the life of the municipality! Goiz Argi is near […]

Rémi Erdocio du Bidart Union Club


Rémi Erdocio of the Bidart Union Club

Today we are starting a new season of our podcast "Quart d'heure bidartar" and to get you started we decided to talk rugby with Rémi Erdocio from the Bidart Union Club. Rémi is a child from the village, he grew up 2 steps from the stadium and did not need more to fall in love […]

Patxi & Peyo du Comité des fêtes


Patxi & Peyo from the Festival Committee

In Bidart, the “Udazkeneko bestak” autumn festival weekend is the highlight awaited by the bidartars! Patxi & Peyo are the president and vice president of Bidart'e'nea: the Bidart holiday committee. These two are accompanied by a happy band of young bidartars who are not the last to […]