In Bidart we have had a Brotherhood, that of Chipiron since 1984, it's still something!
Here, the members of the Brotherhood have a mission, that of promoting gastronomy, but above all seafood. 
And we can say that they put their heart into the work and do it well!

So we wanted to know more about the codes and customs of these Brotherhoods and we met Nicole and Marion from the Confrérie du Chipiron de Bidart who are inexhaustible on the subject!

Nicole is the Grand Master of the Brotherhood, she tells us more about Chipirons fishing, the history of ceremonial costumes, the organization of the annual Chapter, the traditions ...
Marion, at her side, develops the communication of the Brotherhood on the web and social networks, it is she who promotes derivative products and other items marketed by members to support the movements and activities of the association.

Both, supported by their peers, are fully committed to their mission of promoting the culinary heritage of the Basque Country and are committed to the village!
Discover the podcast episode dedicated to them in "The bidartar quarter of an hour", and you will understand it: the members of the Brotherhood are not ready to stop talking about them!

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