The coastal path from Bidart to Saint-Jean-de-Luz

Distance: 13.3 km
Level: Average
Elevation: 340 m D +
Departure: Bidart
Go (linear route), Route using a GR®
Nature (fauna, flora)
White and red (GR®)

The first part of the coastal path offers a great diversity of atmospheres, alternating beaches, coves, paths and small roads. The arrival at the tip of Sainte-Barbe from which one overlooks the bay of Saint-Jean-de-Luz is exceptional. A tip ... to do preferably at low tide.

Points of interest

La chapelle de la Madeleine

The Chapel of the Madeleine

Les criques


Ste Barbe

st beard

Your itinerary

Map List

Erretegia Beach

From the start, follow the directional signs for the coastal path. Go up on the left by steps. Follow the street to the right (Corniche de la Falaise) and reach the Chapelle Ste-Madeleine

Towards Guéthary

Go down to the orientation table. Join the Center beach below. Go back to the bottom bypassing the rescue center. Reach the hamlet of Embruns, bypass a sports field, follow the N10 on the bridge and descend to Uhabia Beach. Go around the first aid station. Go up the hillside by steps and on the right by the rue de Parlementia and rue Atalaya, reach the Chapel of St-Joseph

Guéthary and Cénitz

Pass the interpretation tables and the steps to reach the Guéthary seafront. Join the port of Guéthary. At the end of the bay, go up by a path and steps. Continue to the right by Chemin des Falaises. Take a path to reach the Cénitz beach car park. Go back to the interpretation tables

Archiloa cross

Cross a footbridge at the back and continue to the left along Chemin de Cénitz then Rue Aguerria. At a parking lot, dive right towards Lafitenia beach. Go up by steps and a path halfway up the slope. At another car park, continue to the right on another path overlooking the coast. Slant sharply to the left to fall on the path to Kokotia's farm. Turn right ; continue straight ahead at a crossroads. Go down to the Plage d'Erromardie: go 270m after a bridge, cross the dike on the right and follow the alley of Abbé Idiartegaray. Come out after a barrier at the crossroads of the Maison du Jardin botanique Paul Jovet. Turn right and reach the cross of Arxiloa

Towards Sainte - BarbeS

Take the path to the left bypassing the park; the decor opens onto a landscape where the coastal flora has been enhanced. After a barrier, go up the rue de la pile d 'plates to the left and turn right into the rue de Bernoville. Pass the barrier of the Chaliapine promenade

Louis XIV Square

Reach the Pointe de Sainte-Barbe which stands out from the coast, reach the Lighthouse and the orientation table. Continue with a few steps then the rock promenade and the St-Jean-de-Luz beach promenade. Continue under the ledge of the Casino la Pergola, then in the open air on the sea wall until the lighthouse indicating the entrance to the Port. Go down to the right just before and finish along the Port then by Place Louis XIV
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