Traditional guided tour

Holder of a guide card and lover of the Basque Country, Ihintza invites you to join her for a guided tour to find out more about Bidart & the Basque Country. She will meet you every Wednesday during school holidays at 10 a.m. at the tourist office.

At the crossroads

This short walk in the heart of the village will allow you to take a new look at what surrounds you, to learn more about the architecture, the traditions of the Basque Country, to discover anecdotes on the pediments, the pelota, the characters who counted in us… The battles that were waged, the houses that have a history, the whaling practices of our former fishermen…

Ihintza is passionate about History and the Basque Country, and she will generously share her knowledge with you during a timeless interlude, in an accessible and uninhibited way.

The only requirements in the program: reserve your place online or at the Tourist Office counter and be punctual for departure (meet at 10 a.m. at the Tourist Office).

At the heart of meetings

For those who want to go a little further, we invite you to read the work carried out as part of theinventory of Bidart heritage.

This website lists a multitude of photos, texts, recordings, testimonies of the history of Bidart.

The book “Bidart entre terre et mer” was published after 3 years of research and inventory in Bidart.

It is available for sale at the Maison de la Presse on rue Erretegia in Bidart or on the editions website Le Festin.

Nice visit to all!

Theatrical visit

Are you ready to embark on the adventure of an extraordinary theatrical visit?

Aritz Parixi will have the pleasure of welcoming you and giving you the tests necessary for your integration, with one objective: to know Bidart like the back of your hand. The meeting takes place every Thursday from Thursday July 11 to Thursday August 29 at 10 a.m. departing from Square Pili Tafernaberry.