Bidart takes part every year in this national event which allows you to treat yourself to a sometimes unusual and often little-known parenthesis in the history of the town...


This year, we won't do like everyone else. We will concentrate the heritage days on a single day: the day before the start fall holidays.

We will talk about gastronomic heritage, or how to also talk about memory through food.

This heritage day will begin at 15:30 p.m. at the Atherbea pediment where the show by the Nanoua company will be presented: “A day without bread”. 

It tells the story of a storyteller who travels between the present and the past, linking the work of memory and the construction of the future in resonance with the world of bread, and the way we feed our view of the world, homemade or melted in the mold? The story is shaped, kneaded like the bread dough which serves as the common thread of this very beautiful show. Each spectator will be able to leave with a piece of this dough, full of emotion.

(All public from 9 years old.)

To continue, at 19 p.m., in Toki-Toki, the Brotherhood of Chipiron invites you to a gastronomic conference which will detail all the secrets of this emblematic dish of our local gastronomy. And you will be able to participate in a cooking/tasting workshop which will punctuate this tasty and interactive conference in a friendly way.

Note: the culinary competition for the Autumn Festival which will take place on Saturday 16 September in the morning will also be devoted to squid, this time with the idea of ​​revisiting it. Do not hesitate to register to participate.

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