The municipality of Bidart, classified as a Tourist Station since 2018, has chosen to retain tourist competence at the municipal level. Naturally attractive, booming and faced with many challenges, the municipality now wishes to redefine the strategic axes of its tourism policy for the coming years. After a call for consultation it is the agency Emotive Tourism which has been selected to support the municipality in this mission.
Launch & diagnosis:
Last June, the Tourist Office team received François Perroy & Jean Luc Boulin to launch the preparatory work around the drafting of the town's tourist orientation plan.
The Emotio Tourisme agency has chosen a rather immersive approach to (re)discover the town, its issues and the challenges to come.

For this first session we had programmed:
– a full day with the team from the Tourist Office and a road trip in Bidart to present the main tourist sites,
– a visit by walking in the town center with the members of the copil as well as individual interviews.
In-depth interviews:

The second phase consisted of a summer immersion of a few days which made it possible to redefine the contours of the mission and to see lines of thought appear for the future.
During this phase, nearly twenty interviews were carried out by François Perroy and Jean Luc Boulin with holidaymakers, new holidaymakers, residents, tourism professionals, presidents of associations, actors involved in community life...
These elements made it possible to refine the issues and scope of the mission entrusted to the Emotio tourisme agency. A summary was written with a few portraits and very interesting verbatim statements for our team.
Restitution of issues and action plan

After almost a year of collaboration, the last restitution meeting was held this month of May in Bidart. This last meeting with the Emotio Tourisme team and Jean Luc Boulin made it possible to present to the members of the steering committee the strategic axes for drafting the roadmap of Bidart's tourism policy for the coming years.
The municipal services and the Tourist Office team are now working to prioritize the actions to be taken to meet the following objective:
Establish an innovative and virtuous territorial logic that keeps the promise of living well together by assuming the tourist dimension of the municipality.
Our team will keep you informed of a presentation date for this scheme. Until then, we remain available!